Sunday, February 8, 2009

.winterfest 2009.

So this is my first blogg and i had a really amazing weekend so i thought i might talk about that.
This weekend i went with my amazing youth group to a convention called winterfest. I have been three times now and i have never had such an encounter with God before. Before this weekend i was just friends with we are BEST friends. Everytime i go to winterfest I tend to worry about other's relationship with God. So this year i had finally realized how far i was from Him and decided to worry about my realationship with Him and my parents. I was having trouble at home with my parents and i was so worried about the social part of my life. I mean i love God and that will never change and i knew he was there but i was but i didn't realize how far i was from him until this weekend. i can't explain my encounter with Him because i was just absolutly speechless afterwords.


  1. Hey!
    1. I am glad to see you are blogging!!! It's a blast!
    2. I am glad you had such a great weekend. I had a BLAST with you!!
    3. LOVE YOU!!!

  2. So awesome to hear, my dear. And welcome to the Blogosphere. Keep it coming!! ;-)

  3. Hey Girl welcome to the addiction we call blogging. I am glad that you had a great weekend and it was great to have you apart of the trip.
